
Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, is a country straddling Western Asia and Southeast Europe. Istanbul, the largest city, is the financial center, and Ankara is the capital.

The coastal areas of Turkey have a temperate Mediterranean climate. Turkey is one of the world’s top ten destination countries, with the highest percentage of foreign visitors arriving from Europe. Turkey is a popular destination for leisure and business. The country’s performance over the decades has brought macroeconomic stability and increased employment and income. The official language is Turkish and its currency is Turkish Lira.

Business Immigration

Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 allows foreign investors to acquire Turkish citizenship in exceptional terms. Citizenship in Turkey provides investors with a world of exclusive benefits.

Within this scope, the foreign investors, who purchase the immovable property at least USD-250.000 or equivalent foreign currency or equivalent amount of Turkish Lira and attached annotation at land registration not to sell this property for three years and for whom a certificate of conformity is issued.


  • Immovable property value of which is in the amount of USD-250.000
  • Legal annotation not to sell the property at least for three years.
  • Real estate value assessment report which approves the property’s value is in the amount of USD-250.000
  • Not having any criminal records
  • Not having any contagious disease


  • Visa-free access to 114 countries
  • Full citizenship granted
  • No minimum residency requirement
  • Children under 18 included as dependants
  • No language test required
  • Free education & healthcare Bridge between the East & West
  • Applications processed within six to ten months

Investment Options:

Option 1 – Individual Investor

  • 250,000 USD Investment in real estate properties that satisfy client preferences typically in prime areas with competitive market price and value potential.
  • Real Estate commission fee: 2.5%
  • File management fee : 1% for main applicant +250 USD for each dependent applicant
  • Legal fees : 6,000 USD
  • Additional administrative costs related to property purchase and citizenship application approximately 500 USD and, for certain projects -the exception- purchase and selling tax up to 1.5%

Option 2 – Group Investors

  • 1 million USD in total investment and 250,000 USD minimum per applicant. The investment is placed in special under-valued group of properties of real estate development projects.
  • Real Estate commission fee : 2.5%
  • File management fee: 1% for main applicant +250 USD for each dependent applicant
  • Legal fees : 6,000 USD.
  • Additional administrative costs related to property purchase and citizenship application approximately 500 USD and, for certain projects-the exception- purchase and selling fax up to 1.5%.